Little Mimi was rescued by my stepson who heard her screaming as a pack of dogs attacked her on a lane where her owner had tied her to a tree. As well as some pretty nasy injuries, she became pregnant from the attack!!Little Mimi was rescued by my stepson who heard her screaming as a pack of dogs attacked her on a lane where her owner had tied her to a tree. As well as some pretty nasy injuries, she became pregnant from the attack!!
She is approximately 4 years max. She is a bright, bubbly fun little girl who loves walks and cuddles. She is good on a lead and responds well to basic commands. She is good in the car, great with other dogs, but needs practice with cats as she has lived with them but can be quiet boisterous with them.
She is neutered, fully vaccinated and disease tested
A sweet little girl waiting to give love.
Ellie was kept inside a house as a puppy and never saw the light of day, she learned nothing about play and puppy hood and had no food , water nor anyone to care for her. She is a Larger dog, but Tall and leggy and not too heavy. At approximately 18 months old she still young and can be quiet energetic She is a kind dog, both with other animals and humans alike. Ellie is a "talkie" dog and will engage you with mini whines and funny noises when you approach her. She loves company and will really grow in confidence and personality in a loving home.
Liza is between 18 months and 2 years old. She is a very loving, calm dog and a really good girl who is easy to train and super responsive to attention and love. She is very willing and likes to please. She walks nicely on and off the lead and likes to travel in the car. Liza is a medium dog of about 13 kg.
An all round lovely dog
Stanley is a castrated male dog of 15 months old. He is a funny and lively character, the class clown! He is a very passive dog and gets on well with other dogs and large animals. He walks well on and off the lead and has good recall. stanley is a bright button who loves attention and so would train very easily even to the level of agility etc. Stanley would benefit from some one to one time and confidence training with street work etc, but will very quickly become the whole package!
Hasso is a light weight medium sized dog. He is approximately 18montbs old.
He has a really friendly slightly, shy personality and is very loving. He is a calm boy with a great willingness to listen and learn; a really nice chap!
Hasso would suit a grown up family or be great with a retired couple or single person.
Missy is a kind, gentle and calm girl. She has a sweet,polite nature and would fit in well with a younger or older family or make a great retired people's companion. She is clever and willing to learn and likes to ride in the car. She loves to walk on her lead and knows how to behave correctly.
Sadie is a small dog of 6 kg she is approximately 18 months old. She is a very loving girl who likes to sit beside you and follow you around. She has a nervous side to her right now which I believe in a home environment will fade. She is obedient and knows sit and down and stay She walks well on a lead and waits nicely for you to put it on. She is good with other dogs and cats and shows no sign of aggression.
Mini is approximately 2 years old German Pincher cross. She is a slightly nervous little dog and can sometimes bark at things she does not understand. She is a sweet and cuddly dog who needs a little time and patience to build her confidence and reinforce she is loved and everything is ok. Mini is a small dog of 5 kg maximum.
Ziggy is a male small light weight dog, Approximately 18 months old. He is a very placid guy with a kind disposition and submissive temperament. He is a good community dog although sometimes needs to be checked with cats, he does not chase them but barks at them. He has had no previous experience with cats and I believe it is a confidence issue with him, teaching will prevent this behaviour it is not a constant. Zig-Zag can be a little shy, but in a home environment will flourish. He is quiet a little playful character and will make a great family companion
Sparky is a medium sized dog of 8 months old. For his age he is very calm and cool, is very bright and easy to train. He gets on well with all animals large and small but at the moment is learning not to be anxious when food is around. He loves long walks and has good recall. He can sit, stay and give his paw
Luna is approximately 2 years old. she has a very sweet and friendly nature and loves people. She can be a little guarded around food when other dogs are present but learns fast and responds very willingly to voice commands. She has good recall, walks well on leas and is a very loving girl.
Socket is another one of our larger dogs. He is 2.5 years old and is a very calm, sensible boy. He is a clever dog and loves to learn, paying attention to both Voice and hand commands.
He has good recall, walks well on a lead, loves a cuddle and a chewstick
Pippi is an older dog at approximately 5 years old. She is a very quiet, sweet dog with a slightly nervous, cautious nature. She is a very calm, quite dog who would make a great companion for older people or those who have a less active lifestyle. She gets on with all animals large and small and is a very loyal and faithful lady.
Zarko is a fun, loving life little boy with a great bubbly personality. He is approximately 4 years old and sadley has lost his front leg as a result of abuse suffered whilst living in a city petrol station. He loves long walks and jumping around after toys and balls and his disability is never a problem. He is great with other dogs and all animals and loves attention.
Rosie is approximately 7 years old. She is an extremely loving and playful lady with a real lust for life. Rosie was severely beaten whilst living on the streets of the city and a result sustained spinal injuries leaving her without the use of her back legs. Despite this she lives a full and active life and joins in with all the other dog activities.
Nora is an 18 months old Shepard cross. She was severely injured in a road traffic accident and as a result has had 3 operations on her legs and pelvis leaving her with a slight limp. Nora is a very loving dog who needs to catch up on the things shes missed out on because of her injuries. She gets on with all animals large and small and like her breed cross is very inteligent and quick to learn.
Rio is a very intelligent, fun loving small, 1 year old dog around 8-9kg.
he walks brilliantly on and off the lead, and already knows to sit and wait for his food. He is a very bright boy who loves to learn. He loves to play tricks and fetch ball as well as toys in general.
Casper is a very calm, slightly nervous boy of 7 years old. He was until 3 months ago part of a life long partnership with his older companion, Bella, until she died. Casper has no vices, is kind and gentle and a great companion, he loves walks and is very loyal and loving. He would be a great friend for retired people accompanying them on their adventures as he loves to travel in the car.
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